Shopping at more than one store for groceries, can save you more money than you realize. However, don’t go too far, or you’ll lose some of those savings buying gas. It is important to realize how stores work, for you to understand why shopping at several places, saves you the most money.
Loss Leaders or Great Sales
Every store has them. These are the products that are greatly reduced and discounted. These are the store items that are worth buying, and planning your meals around. Don’t purchase anything until you have checked all the sales fliers for the grocery stores nearest you. Plan your meals in advance, using the loss leaders as the primary focus. It will sincerely help you save the most money.
Triple and Double Coupons
Keep watch for the stores that have the double and even triple coupons. Except don’t put all your eggs in one basket. These stores often jack the prices up on other items to compensate for their loss on the other items. A good rule of thumb, shop the sales fliers and purchase only what you have coupons for, at these places. Reserve your extra purchases for a store that is cheaper.
Meal Planning is Key
Sitting down for about a half hour to an hour, before your shopping expedition, can mean the difference of saving $10.00 in coupons or saving $100.00 on groceries. Seriously. If you sit down and decide what you are going to be making each night, and use the sale fliers as your reference for the best prices, you can save yourself up to $100.00 in one week. And that is without using coupons. Factor in the coupons, and you’ve probably saved bundles more.
So, when I am asked why I shop at more than one store, I love to answer. Although it’s easier to show. When you walk out of a store, with 13 bags full of groceries and your total was only $33.28, you can sure see, why shopping around has its advantages. And if you don’t believe me, try it for a few weeks and see how much you save. Good luck.
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