There are many people out there that are dealing with a failed relationship. They are struggling with exactly what it was that went wrong. They cannot understand why they never saw the break up coming or why their mate seemed to change so much after marriage.
If only we could see into the future, we may have perfect relationships.
There are several reasons why relationships do not work. The main are either that you are with the wrong person or that you are wronging the relationship.
If you are in a relationship with the wrong person then you and that person are not compatible together. The two of you do not have enough in common or a strong enough commitment to each other to make it work. You and your partners have faults and flaws that you cannot get past and accept of one another. The two of you simply cannot give each other what you need from a partner.
If you were with the right person but the relationship still failed then perhaps you were not giving the relationship what it needed. In this case you and your partner may have had very bad communication skills and habits. You may have placed too much focus on areas that did not need attention and not given other areas the attention that they needed. You may have not given the relationship enough attention and been too focused on other aspects in life such as work.
No matter which situation described above describes your break up, nevertheless the relationship did not work.
If you are with the wrong person, you cannot force a special bond between the two of you. Even if you give your relationship what it needs, it will never withstand a storm.
If you are with the right person, you cannot expect your relationship to run on autopilot. Without the right treatment to the relationship, even the right person for you can be wrong.