When you take care of yourself you are helping your marriage, especially when it comes to sex.
Work, kids, the house, the in laws. All of these things demand attention, and there are only so many hours in the day to get done what needs to be done. Very often, married couples collapse into bed exhausted at the end of the day. There is always someone else’s needs to be met. We over stress ourselves, skip exercising and live on a diet of caffeine and leftover chicken nuggets from the kids.
The problem is that when we don’t take care of ourselves, it is not only ourselves that suffer, but also our marriages. And one place where not taking care of ourselves impacts first is in the bedroom.
A spouse who doesn’t take care of his or her self is a spouse who is out of shape. Being out of shape means that the physical demands of an awesome sex life just can’t be met. Wheezing complaining about muscle cramps just isn’t sexy. Take care of your physical needs to keep in shape, and you will be able to explore new positions and reach new levels of endurance.
Taking care of yourself involves staying in shape of course, but it also has to do with keeping up a nice appearance. That doesn’t mean that you can’t be comfortable. After all, part of the pleasure of marriage is to be able to relax at home and be yourself. But there is a difference between being comfortable and being repulsive. A clean pair of sweat pants or yoga pants that fit can be great for a casual night at home, but a pair of ripped, baggy sweats with eggs stains on them won’t do much to bring out your charms. Your partner should want to take the pants off for the right reasons not the wrong ones.
What about the stress factor mentioned in the beginning of this post? When you are stressed, sex is usually the last thing on your mind. Before you see your spouse or before you go to bed, spend some short time relaxing and reducing your stress level. Long term, try to eliminate things in your life that cause too much stress.
What are some other ways that taking care of yourself can boost your sex life?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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