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Will You Be Lured Back to School for Free College Tuition?

An email in my in-box this morning called for alarm over a rash of free college programs that promise tuition to anyone to graduates. This email suggest that such programs which are growing at an alarming rate are a threat to homeschooling.

While one would think the purpose of such programs is to get more kids to graduate, which it has, others believe that the goal is to keep students from using online school at home programs because the free scholarship programs are generally district based.

The email used the following GA example to help prove its point:

The idea of free college is not new. The Georgia HOPE scholarship, which provides free tuition at public colleges and universities for high school students with a B average, has been around for 15 years. Last year the governor of Massachusetts proposed free tuition at all community colleges. …The increasing popularity of programs like the one in Kalamazoo will increase public pressure for free college for all.

The thing they did not mention about the Georgia Hope scholarship is that homescholers have access to it as well. As of right now, homeschoolers do not get the money until after their first year and if they maintain a B average, but then they get the money retroactively. This law is currently in legislation to equal the playing field.

Whether there is a big plan to lure homeschoolers back into public school with promises of money for college or not, I seriously doubt it is going to change the way many homeschoolers feel. While I homeschool my kids to give them a better start in life, and hope that they will get a scholarship for college, my goal is not strictly to get them into college, but to have them strive in college and in life. Getting free money for college does nothing prepare a child for college, especially when the only goal the kids must reach is graduation. What good will free money for college be to students who don’t have the knowledge base excel anyway?

I plan to stay the course and not be swayed by dollars in my efforts to educate my children. Their future is worth so much more free college tuition to any nondescript college that would have them.

Remember, homeschoolers can still get scholarships in traditional ways.

Read: College bound homeschoolers, get thee to the college board website

Grants Scholarships and Financial Assistance

New Hope for Georgia Homeschoolers