The truth of the matter is, that there are some parts of your body that may never bounce back. I hate to sound negative, but I like to keep it real too!! After all, there are some things that I wish other women would have told me about how much my body would change, and how some parts of my body would never be the same again!
Some women have it easy. You know the type. They are most likely thin to begin with, have never struggled with their weight, and bounce back from each and every pregnancy like it was the easiest thing that their body had ever done. I envy those women. I am not one of those.
First, they say that if you nurse, then you will lose the weight faster. That is true for a lot of women, however, I have found through my own experience that it is not true for me. And, I’m not alone. I found that I could not shed some of the extra weight until I actually stopped nursing. Every woman is different, and every body is different too!
The shape or your breasts will also most likely never be the same again. Especially if you nurse your baby. I have nursed two children, and I will say that they are not the same, and I figure they never will be unless I decide to have some sort of reconstructive surgery some day. Which, is really not in my plan.
You definitely will have issues down below too. While I want to keep it clean, and tasteful, the truth is, that you are a little more, let’s say….stretched after childbirth. While the body is amazing, and you will be able to resume your normal “activities” in that area, there are some things that will change. For example, many women face problems with urine leakage. This is very common in women when they laugh, run, sneeze, cough, etc. If you see a woman crossing her legs while she sneezes, then she most likely has had a baby! There are some exercises that can help with that problem. And, as always, consult a doctor if it seems more severe than normal.
Hormone issues are also a problem for many women. Often, it takes months for your hormones to regulate. So, give yourself a little break if you are extra moody still. And make sure to tell your spouse to give you a break too! For me, I have never loved chocolate as much as I did when I was pregnant with my first. Unfortunately that never went away either! I still am obsessed with chocolate!
To optimize your chances of bouncing back, make sure to stretch, and exercise regularly before, during and after pregnancy. Always consult a physician with any problems or issues that may arise.