After I wrote the article about Grandma Dorothy’s top Doctors Foster and Smith cat catalog picks, I placed an order for some of her suggestions. (Specifically, the cat grass and the catnip bubbles, which I’ll be writing about in another article.) That’s when I noticed their pet photo contest.
The Anniversary Photo Contest
As part of their 25th Anniversary celebrations, Doctors Foster and Smith launched a pet photo contest. Each month they award 10 First Place, 10 Second Place, and 10 Third Place prizes to winners in 10 different categories. The neat thing about it is that all First, Second, and Third Place winners are then eligible to win some really groovy Grand Prizes. (More on all that follows below.)
The Categories
There are 10 of them: dog, cat, aquarium fish, pet bird, pond, wild bird, small pet, ferret, reptile, and horse. One (1) First, Second, and Third place winner will be chosen each month in each category until December 2008. (If I’m reading the guidelines correctly.)
Each month the 10 First Place winners in each category receive a $300 Doctors Foster and Smith gift certificate. The 10 Second Place winners receive $200 Doctors Foster and Smith gift certificates. Finally, the 10 Third Place winners each receive $100 Doctors Foster and Smith gift certificates.
But wait, there’s more. In addition, the First, Second, and Third place winners then become eligible to win the Grand Prizes:
* 1st Place Grand Prize: a 6-night, 7-day trip for two to Maui, Hawaii. Airfare, hotel, transportation to and from airport, and $1000 spending money all included!
* 2nd Place Grand Prize: 5-night, 6-day trip to Walt Disney World in Orland, Florida. Hotel, airfare, and $900 spending money included.
* 3rd Place Grand Prize: 4-night, 5-day trip to San Diego, California. Hotel, airfare, and $800 spending money included.
Click here for their official rules.
Click here for their online entry form.
Click here to see past winners.
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