I don’t know about you, but as a stay at home Mom, I find keeping my kids entertained and free of boredom gets harder and harder as they get older. Of course I could plop them down in front of the TV and they would love that, but I try to limit screen time to 2 hours or less per day. My daughter is in school now, so she is not bored too much, but my son is a whole different story. He is almost 3 years old, and about to be stuck in the house with me and a new baby for a couple of months in the middle of winter. So, I am desperate to find some things to entertain him! And, it is snowing outside as we speak.
I was just browsing one of my favorite LDS websites, Sugardoodle.net and found a new section titled, “Boredom Busters“. I thought, what LDS Mom, or any stay at home Mom for that matter wouldn’t want a list of activities like this for their child?
Here are a few of my favorite ideas from the website (most of which link to the original source):
Bubble Wrap Hopscotch– The idea is to make a hopscotch game out of bubble wrap. This is a perfect idea for the winter if you ask me. And, an easy gift to make and send to a friend! I can’t wait to do this with my kids on a snowy day when they are bored.
Color the Snow– Living in UT, we get lots of snowy days. My kids often want me to build a snowman which I don’t always have the energy or time for. This is an activity where they can “paint” the snow with colored water. I know my kids will love this one too!
Marshmallow Building– This one is so simple, that I can’t help but think, “Duh! Why haven’t I done this with my kids yet?” They seem to love marshmallows, and love sticking toothpicks in food, so I have a feeling this could entertain for a while!
Homemade Gripper Socks-Like this Mom, and so many other families out there, our house is also full of hardwood floors. This is a great idea to let your kids paint the bottoms of their socks in some fun designs they’ll love, and they won’t have so many slips and falls this winter. Who needs house shoes when you can make your own gripper socks?
I’m excited to try many of these ideas with my kids this winter, and there are many more ideas over at sugardoodle. Go check them out today!
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