I have lived in the south all of my life so I’m used to 80-degree temperatures in November and in some cases December. When Old Man Winter gets his horn and starts blowing, it’s usually somewhat of a surprise and many of us simply aren’t prepared for it. One day you’re wearing flip flops and a tank top and the next day you have to pull out your winter sweater. It’s not usual to have cold weather in the early morning and find yourself sweating by mid-day. We have had beautiful weather lately, short sleeves most days, but last night there was a drastic change in the weather (it dropped to like 65 degrees!) that has many of us saying, “brrrrrrr”. This morning it was about 60 degrees and windy but by lunchtime it was short sleeve weather again.
Since we don’t get much cold weather, I don’t have to worry so much about keeping Tyler safe from the elements. Generally, he can get by with a light jacket. We do have winter coats but most of the time they stay in the closet. But for those of you who live in colder climates, now might be a good time to review a few winter safety tips for your little ones.
If your kids are playing in the snow, make sure they don’t play alone.
Encourage your kids to come inside often so that they can warm up.
Offer your kids hot drinks to keep them warm.
Make sue your kids dress warmly-scarves, hats, mittens. Also, dress them in layers. If they become too hot, they can remove one layer at a time
Use sunscreen to protect your kids from the sun’s UV rays.
When your kids play in the snow, make sure they wear bright colors so that they will stand out prominently if you need to find them.
Use a helmet when ice-skating or sledding.
See also:
How to Dress Your Baby for Cold Weather