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Wise Beyond His Years

We just celebrated my son’s fourth birthday this last Saturday. It was a day filled with fun and laughter for everyone. This year he was lucky enough to get $30 for his birthday, talk about spoiled! For a kid who thinks he is rich when someone gives him a penny, he was feeling pretty darn good that day! Any normal child would rush to the store to spend this new birthday money, but not Logan. When I asked him what he wanted to get with his birthday money he looked at me and said, “Oh nothing. I just want to put it in my piggy bank.”

I have to admit I was a little taken back. Most four year olds would be excited to go pick out a new toy from the store for their birthday, but Logan was adamant that he save his money. Teaching children good money habits from a young age will help them as they get older and the decisions get bigger. Help them distinguish between wants and needs. He may really want that new transformer toy, but he may really need new shoes this summer. Help him to recognize the difference.

Teach your children the value of saving. They can get a little toy now, or they can save their money and get that bigger toy they really want later. This can be a hard concept for some kids. It just takes some practice and a little bit of patience. If they learn to save now, they will have a much easier time saving later, when the expenses are bigger. Give them little opportunities to earn money around the house so that they have some money to put in their piggy bank. When they have saved a certain amount let them take their money to the store and get something special. They will appreciate it so much more because they had to work hard and earn the money to get it. If they’re lucky they’ll even have a little left over to start saving for the next time!

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.