Studies have shown how important it is for children to have the influence of both their mothers and their fathers in their lives, but just because your child doesn’t have their father around doesn’t mean they can’t still grow up to lead a healthy and successful life, you just may have to work a little harder to help them get there.
I was raised by a single mother. My real dad skipped out when I was a baby and I didn’t have a lot of positive men in my life after that. She struggled to make ends meet and there were times when she honestly didn’t know where we were going to get our next meal. She had to work hard to make sure we had a roof over our heads. Even though she was struggling, she still taught us the value of hard work. She taught us how to rely on each other. We didn’t have a father in our lives, but we had a mother who gave her all, and that made up the difference.
If your children don’t have their father in their lives for whatever reason, be sure to have other positive male role models for them to look up to. They can often learn many of the same things from a grandfather, an uncle, or a close friend. It is important for them to see that there are good men in the world. Have a positive attitude with your children and let them know how lucky they are to have so many good people around them that love and care for them.
Having a dad in their lives can definitely have a positive impact on your children, but every situation is different, and sometimes that isn’t an option. If this is the case, don’t feel discouraged. There are plenty of successful people out there who grew up without fathers. As long as they have lots of positive influences in their lives, they will have the strength to do anything they put their mind to, with or without a dad.