We know we are supposed to witness to others and share the message of salvation. It is imperative for Christians to reach out to others and do our best to help show them to the Lord. However, sometimes how we go about witnessing may not be effective.
Preaching will not work with most people. Many don’t want to hear the message of God, and they certainly don’t want to feel guilt for their sins. Preaching will likely drive people with this mindset further away from the Father, instead of leading them to salvation.
Frequently, the most challenging people to witness to are our friends and loved ones. They know us very well and see our worst along with our best. They may think, he or she isn’t so perfect, so why should I listen? First, no Christian is perfect. We are merely forgiven (if we confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness). Secondly, the best way for us to witness, especially with those that we interact with regularly, is by example.
We are certainly going to make mistakes, lose our tempers, or do other things that don’t always reflect well on God. However, if we live Christ-like lives to the best of our ability, constantly praying for Godly strength, we will make a difference in the way others see us.
Living a Godly life and being filled with joy are often the best ways to lead others to the Lord. While we continue to pray that God will prepare their hearts, give us opportunities to witness, and speak through us, there are many times that simply living as we should will make a huge impact.
When people see our joy, when they see our light shining, they will want to know why. They will seek to experience that joy and some may even ask directly. We then have the wonderful opportunity to share the joy, the peace, the comfort, and the blessings of God with them.
It’s called witnessing without a word, because it’s our actions that show how loving our God is and makes people want what we have. It also requires great strength and determination to live the way we should, so as we pray for strength, let’s also pray for each other and for God’s guidance in sharing salvation with others.