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Women Aren’t the Only Ones Whose Biological Clocks are Ticking

You hear of single women choosing to become single parents pretty often now a days. It is nothing new, and is becoming more and more popular. As a matter of fact, single women choosing to become single parents has increased 50% in the last two years alone. Now there is a new movement in single parenthood. Single males choosing to become single dads. Granted it is a little easier for women to make it happen, but several doctors across the country can and are making it happen for men too. In fact, the amount of single men using these service has increased 20% in the last two years.

So, how exactly does a single man become a single parent? It’s similar to how a single female becomes a single mom, just with one extra step. The doctor takes the man’s sperm, pairs it up with a donated egg, just as he would with a single woman; however, instead of implanting it back where the egg came from, he implants it into a surrogate mother. It’s a normal pregnancy from there on out.

Jack Potenza of Florida was one of the first single men to use the new technology to become a single dad. He was so excited and ecstatic about becoming a dad and heard his biological clock ticking so loudly that a few months after the first embryo was implanted, he asked that another embryo from the same batch be implanted into a second surrogate. Now, Jack is the proud father of five year old paternal twins born three months apart. Being a newly divorce single man, Jack felt that the time had come and it was now or never. He is extremely happy with his decision.

This truly isn’t any different from single females deciding to become single moms. It’s good to know that women aren’t the only ones to hear the “Tick. Tick. Tick.”

Happy Fathers Day

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