This is a bit of a kooky time of year for me–in addition to work and wrapping up the calendar year, I am like many others who run a business, work, and take care of a family–I also have plenty of holiday and seasonal obligations as well. As someone who loves to cook and bake, I often give homemade treats and goodies and gifts. That means I also often find myself trying to work and attend to my baking at the same time. This is another reason I am thrilled to work from home–I can do the seasonal multi-tasking!
To make matters even more convenient, my computer and work desk are literally feet away from my kitchen. With an open counter and partition between my kitchen and the dining/family room where my desk is, I can see my computer while I mix cookies and frost cakes, and I can see the kitchen and my oven from my work desk–a perfect combination!
Of course, all of this multi-tasking is not without a bit of stress. When I’m in the kitchen, I know I should be at my desk more and when I’m at my desk, I’m worrying about whether the cookies are burning or if I have time for one more batch of something before I need to head out to take care of some “out and about business.” Plus, I confess, having my desk so close to the kitchen is not always the best arrangement for my health and distractions!
Still, on the whole, it feels productive this time of year to be able to work and bake at the same time, or at least overlap the time so that I am accomplishing both in the same time span. Even if I get one batch of cookies in the oven just in time to pound out a paragraph or two and then have to get up and risk losing my train of thought to head back to the kitchen. Working from home this way and being able to accomplish my holiday baking is just another reason I LOVE being able to work at home!
Also: Working to Holiday Music
Ground Rules for Working From Home–Part One
So Thankful for Working from Home