When my business partner and I met in a little café to plan our business we had high hopes of staying organized and making the business work. Then something happened. Life decided to keep going at the same fast pace with four children each, homeschooling, and personal commitments. We soon became overwhelmed and business suffered. Good intentions are meaningless when you sit with a “to-do” list is longer than your arm. To combat the feelings of giving up and returning to life as usual we decided to go on a getaway. We planned a business retreat. We didn’t go but twenty miles or so away from our homes. However we also didn’t have distractions. We could fully focus on the next steps of our business. And you know what? It worked. We had a fantastic time of fellowship, got a plan together, and best of all implemented it successfully.
The time has come again for us to get away and focus on planning and resting. Each of us has a full life yet we are determined to make our business work. Since getting away to focus and plan worked so well the first time we are doing it again. It has been a little over a year since the last retreat. At this rate we may just plan something every year. The focus for this getaway is to relax and focus on one project. We will reflect on what we learned from the year before and what we hope to accomplish in the next.
If you have a business partner or if you work on your own perhaps a work/relaxation retreat would work for you. Sometimes you need to put the world on hold to regroup and refocus your business. You may need to getaway to get a jump start on a project or finish up a project. A healthy does of rest and work will rejuvenate you and keep your perspective fresh.