I’ve been participating in a Forum thread here at families.com about scams.
You will find a ton of information about avoiding scams. The main question most people have is “how do I know?” The rule of thumb is never pay for a job. However, you may find yourself with different expenses depending on the job, the status you are hired and what they job requirements are.
You will find that “title” has a lot to do with it. By understanding the terms and responsibilities below, you will be able to better identify what you are applying for and what legit costs you may incur.
Scams: Scams are where they take your money and run. Often they are obvious because they want you to pay them for training or processing, make large income claims, ask you to deposit money, seem strange or seem to good to be true. The best way to avoid being scammed is to post the company on a message board and let a few people respond before sending in money.
Jobs: A job is where you are hired to work for another company as an EMPLOYEE. This will involve a scheduled paycheck, hours and training. There will be no fees to the company when you are hired for a job. If you work from home, you may be responsible for your own equipment like a computer, phone line, headphones or a fax.
Telecommuting: When you telecommute, you are working for a place of business from home. Often you have to go in once a week or more, but most of your work can be done at home. Many telecommuters work for a local company or an employer they are familiar with. Like a job, the only expenses are your own equipment.
Independent Contractor: If you are hired as an independent contractor (IC), you are actually working for yourself. Often times these jobs are temporary. Writers, consultants, accountants, lawyers, or customer service reps may be an IC. You are again responsible for all of your own equipment. You are also responsible for expenses and often times references. Many work from home jobs will look for ICs to fill needs that are too expensive to do in house. You are often paid on a schedule for jobs performed, though you may need to bill out your time.
Freelancers: If you freelance, you work for yourself and are contracted by businesses for a job here and there. Artists, graphic designers, web developers, public relations, and writers are some examples of freelancers. This is very similar to an IC. You will be required to bill out your time.
In our next blog we will address different types of businesses and how to identify a legit business from one that is all hype and no pay.