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Working Out as a Family

The weather is slowly getting warmer and the sun is starting to peek out. It is hard to believe it is almost time for daylight savings time. I love the spring and the summer but somehow this year is going by far too fast. However, I am looking forward to getting out again and walking with my kids. It will be fun to walk the dog around the neighborhood and even take a walk to the park. We can bring soccer balls, baseballs, and volleyballs to have a great time and all work out together. I find that working out the kids gives me a boost of energy while burning off their energy. I love the lazy late afternoons after walking a few miles or so with the little ones resting on the porch. The rest of us either get some chores or work done or play games. The best way to start the morning is with physical exercise. As the weather warms up you will want to do any physical activity in the morning or early evening if you live in a hot climate.

Possible Family Activities:





Flag Football



Putt Putt or Mini Golf




Walking the dog

What can you do with your family to keep everyone more active? Do you have a family sport? Golf is a great family sport since everyone can participate on their own level. Also, it involves plenty of walking which is easy on everyone’s joints yet good for everyone at the same time. If you have a dog make sure you take him for a walk as a family so everyone gets the benefit of exercise. Just playing in the front yard can prove to be a great work out as a family. If you can get out an hour a day then you will be on the road to better health.