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World’s Largest Baby Massage

Now there’s a title that conjures up some mental images. But rest assured, it does NOT refer to the world’s largest baby getting a massage.

A few days ago, I wrote about the American Baby Faire. It is a cheap (not entirely free, adults have to pay $8 to get in) entertaining way to check out the newest and coolest things for your baby in 2007. It is sponsored by Babies R Us and is a veritable mecca for all things baby. It is a fun event to go to because, of course, all of these wonderful baby products folks are just dying to give you their free stuff to try (in hopes that you’ll come back to their table for some not-so-free stuff). Some of the events vary from city to city but generally it is a fun and worth while event to go to–if nothing else but for all those free samples.

If you live in Dallas though, this coming weekend you can attend the baby fair and you and your little one can participate in the world’s largest simultaneous baby massage. Apparently, they are trying to break the record for the world’s largest baby massage. (I was surprised to find that there is actually a record for such a thing!) Sponsored by Palmer’s Baby Massage Butter, participants will be guided through the fine art of baby massage. Experts from Palmer’s will coach parents through a massage session. Those lucky babies!

Recap on the Benefits of Baby Message

We’ve already talked quite a bit about baby massage here in the baby blog. However, just to recap, there are numerous benefits to baby massage. The most widely known benefit of baby massage is that it promotes bonding. But did you know that it also promotes health? In fact, some infant massage therapists claim that it can be considered preventative medicine.

Before you start laughing at the idea of preventative medicine in an infant through a baby massage therapist, consider that doctors estimate that 60% to 90% of all illnesses are somehow stress related. Since infant massage decreases stress in your infant, it may well help prevent illness.

Some experts even claim that it will help a baby’s development and intellect because of the stimulation. Regardless, massaging your baby is a fun way to de-stress and a great way to bond. If you’re in the Dallas, Texas area, and you want to check out the American Baby Fair–don’t forget to go and participate in the largest baby massage!