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Would You Date a Proven Liar?

I’m not going to mention the name of the show, although some of you will likely know the one I’m talking about. I don’t want to name it or link to it, because it doesn’t fit our “rated PG” preferences here. In fact, I ended up turning it off due to the graphic language and content, but I did learn something from the parts I did watch.

The show has a person meet with two other people, potential dates, and ask them several questions. What they don’t know is that their responses are being recorded and processed with a lie detection program. Anyway, the most interesting thing to me was that people would not only choose a known liar, but would frequently choose him or her over a more honest individual.

In one case, the potential date had been completely honest, not even fibbing or telling the smallest white lie. The other person had been dishonest regarding some important stuff. I can’t say I was completely shocked, but I was rather perplexed, when the less honest person was chosen. Not my idea of date material!

I had planned to watch a few more episodes to collect a better sampling, but things were getting rather crude, so I turned it off. What I did see was enough to tell me that not everyone chooses dates according to their best judgment and best interests.

One liar was chosen because he seemed like “fun.” Another was “hot.” Hot and fun are not enough to excuse outright lying, in my opinion, but it’s their choice. I’d love to see a follow up and find out how dating these jerks turns out (although I already have a pretty good idea).

I’m happily married so not I’m not dating, but I think about this stuff in terms of when I was as well as in terms of my daughters. I sure hope they have better judgment than some of the people on this show did (and I have faith in them that they will).

Would you be willing to overlook one or more outright lies on important issues, for a date? What about a little fib? I think most people would say no to the first question, but a lot of us would probably say yes to the second. I guess it really depends on the significance of the question asked, but I am really blown away by how easily many people overlook outright dishonesty.

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