I remember seeing Halle Berry in Die Another Day and saying to my husband “I’d kill for a body like that!” No sooner were the words out of my mouth before I realized what I was really saying. If I would kill, what wouldn’t I do for a body like that?
Wouldn’t I kill a few bad habits?
Wouldn’t I kill a little time on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer?
Wouldn’t I kill a little time planning my meals?
Wouldn’t I kill my addiction to starch?
I had to ask myself: “Would I really kill for a body like that?” The real question was: Would I kill the old me to be the very best I can physically be?
Would you?
I’ve been trying to kill that lazy woman on the couch ever since!
Too often, people think about weight loss with a disconnect. They think about losing weight but not about the other things they need to lose to keep that weight off. If you want to lose weight, really want to lose weight, here are some very serious questions you’ll need to ask yourself, and answer honestly, before you can ever make any sort of lasting change in your physical body:
Are you willing to stop drinking alcohol?
I don’t know about you but my drinking bone is connected to my French fries and nachos bone. Drinking loosens our inhibitions and the munchies often follow. The next day we’ve consumed too many liquid calories and usually consumed a lot of unhealthy foods too.
Are you willing to give up smoking?
You simply cannot exercise to your fullest potential when you lungs are fighting for air. I used to smoke a pack a day. It is amazing how much lighter you feel when you aren’t carrying around all that tar and nicotine.
Are you willing to drink water?
I used to drink a six-pack of Diet Coke every day and fool myself into thinking I was doing my body good. Well, the aspartame in Diet Coke does the same thing that the sugar in regular coke does. It stalls any chance of serious weight loss.
Are you willing to take time to exercise?
Just dieting does nothing but starve your body of needed nutrients and causes your body to feed upon itself for protein. You can lose weight without exercise, but it won’t be fat you’re losing.
Are you willing to give up those comfort foods that have no nutritional value?
They may feel good when you’re eating them but they only drag your body down. It you want your body to work optimally, you need to fuel it properly.
So the next time you think “I’d kill for a body like that”, stop and think about it because if you would kill a few habits and kill a little time, you could have a body like that.