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Wreaths of Maine: Fundraising and Affliate Program

Wreaths of Maine, started by a homeschooling family, have sold wreaths all over America since 1982. The double sided wreaths are made of Balsam fir and smell fabulous. The wreaths will beautifully decorate from both sides of your window or door’s window since they are fully double sided. Two feet across the wreath is perfect to fill your front door with beautiful balsam fir and or your home with the scent of Christmas. Each one is handmade and appears as you see it in the picture except the bow is protected by being placed in the middle. The wreath is packed perfectly to ship without damage and makes a wonderful gift.

So how do you raise money off of Wreaths of Maine?

Simply, you sign up for the sales packet which costs $10.00. The fee will be refunded to you once you sell 10 wreaths. With each wreath you sell you profit $6.00 except for the Homestead which you will profit $4.00. The sales packet will give you order forms, more instructions, brochures, etc. You can also purchase a sample wreath for $27.00.

What is the work involved?

Your work will be finding the customers, filling out the order forms and sending the forms back to Wreaths of Maine for processing. That’s it. You simply sell the wreaths. Wreaths of Maine will drop ship the wreaths to your customers. This works wonderfully for those who are purchasing for gifts out of state. It also is a great advantage to you since you will not have to distribute the wreaths yourself.

When should you begin selling?

The best time to begin selling is October. The last day to send in sales orders is Monday after Thanksgiving. The commission check arrives the third week of December; in which, you will be reimbursed your sales packet cost if you sold more than 10 wreaths. You will also get a free gift if you sold over 15, plus you earn $6.00 per wreath.

Who do you sell to?

Friends, relatives, neighbors, insurance agents, small businesses, or anyone interested in purchasing the lovely wreaths.

Who normally sells the wreaths?

Homeschooling families, churches, athletic clubs, etc.

If you are interested in earning some holiday money check out Wreaths of Maine.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.