The life of a writer is great, we get up in the morning, we sit down at the computer and we start typing. But anyone who writes a great deal sits in a chair, their shoulders hunched forward, their back is slightly arched and their arms are tucked closer to their body. This is not a natural position for the body to remain in for hours at a time. You don’t really think about the stress this puts on your back, your neck and even your shoulders and your legs.
Get Out of the Chair
So when you spend a lot of time writing for a living, you also need to take the time to notice the unnatural way you are forcing your body to sit in for hours at a time and accommodate that. So here’s my list of key things that I do every day to alleviate the stress on my back, my neck and my legs.
The Bum
Sitting in a chair for hours can actually be very painful on your derriere. Numbness is a real issue for me and I don’t know if the chair I’m sitting in is too hard (yet a cushioned chair has the same effect) or if it’s just like when you lay on your arm when you’re asleep, the bum goes to sleep. I use my cell phone to set an alarm and every hour I get up from the chair and walk around. I walk around the house. I walk around the office. I get up and I move. Movement, loosens up the muscles, increases the circulation and helps reduce the numb sensation in the bum.
The Legs
Getting up and moving around is also good for your legs. If you sit too long in the same position, you may experience mild to moderate swelling in the legs. This is a noticeable effect of gravity combined by body position that allows water to settle on the lower extremities. When I flew to London a couple of months ago, 11 hours of sitting in those cramped chairs was just brutal on the legs. It actually took quite a bit of walking to get the circulation to relieve that pressure and discomfort.
Work tip: Consider every time you get on the phone for any reason, that you should get up and walk. This is another way I manage to do two things at once whether I’m talking for a short period or an extended period of time; I get up out of the chair and keep walking.
Come back tomorrow for more tips on back support and neck tension. Remember, when we talk about exercise for writers, we’re not just talking about brainstorming ideas for you to write on. How do you take care of yourself after hours at the computer?