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Yard Work in December

We are having some unseasonably warm days. Usually this time of year we have already shoveled snow several times, this year, we’ve been lucky. It was in the 50’s today so I was able to get some yard work done. That seems so strange to say in December.

I have a very little yard but a very big tree. There are lots of leaves. Usually because it snows so early and so often I don’t get all the leaves before the snow falls, this year, I was able to get them. I raked once in the fall but the tree hadn’t dropped all of its leaves so the front yard was covered again.

Leaves are great for your compost pile, if you have one, which I do not, yet anyway. So I have filled my trash can with leaves and there are still more. I hate to bag leaves. The leaves will naturally decompose but not if you put them in plastic bags, they will sit in the landfill forever that way. I hope it stays warm enough for me to get the rest of the leaves before the snow falls. I leave all the leaves in the flower beds, I just think of it as compost and in the spring I work them into the dirt.

I was also able to get almost all of my outdoor Christmas decorations down, that has to be some kind of record. Usually they are out there until Spring but this year they will be packed in the garage before the first of the year. I’m was feeling pretty productive until I came in the house and saw all of the boxes and half decorated trees that still need to come down. At least I can do that part no matter how cold it is.

I wanted to have everything done before this weekend so I could enjoy my last long weekend but it looks like I’ll be undecorating the house. Oh well, there are worst things.