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Yes, Its time to plan for next year again

Every spring, I depress other homeschoolers by beginning my planning for the next year. It might seem a bit early to many, but if you plan on using any outside classes or programs, they are registering now. If you plan to include drama or perhaps and Algebra course into your homeschooling plan, you don’t want to find that the classes are already full when you get to it.

Anyway, we are pretty planned out for the year. We are using our usual fine arts program (Now called Artios Academy). Both of my kids are taking the Conservatory program which is for older kids who are ready to focus on a particular art. My son is majoring in film, and my daughter will be majoring in drama and possibly music as well. This program will cover all the electives they can handle from Chorus, to Drama Club, to individual instrument lessons, to editing, and film making.

As for their academic programs, I have decided to be more hands on this year.

My son (who will be 15 in the fall) will be continuing with year to of his Rosetta Stone Spanish program, he will take Algebra 2 in Teaching Textbooks, and I will work with him to help him study the materials so he can take the CLEP exams for Analyzing Literature, US History 1 and a Science course.

My daughter (who will be 13 in the fall) will take Rosetta Stone Spanish 1. For language and Math, there is a new online program that we have a free trial to. I will let you know about that later. For Science and history, I am still a bit undecided, but am looking into history and science videos that will make the subjects more engaging.


Considering the CLEP exams for homeschoolers

More on CLEP Exams

Time to Plan for Next Year’s Homeschool Program

Building a Homeschool Library: History Videos