With rising childcare costs and little time to be with your children it just makes perfect sense to work at home. Even single moms are finding out that this a possibility. It used to be that when you looked into working at home scams were the general course. Do you remember all of those ads for envelope stuffing? How about piece work? This work was usually about putting together some sort of craft made out of leather. With the help of our sometimes fantastic, sometimes scary technology, it is possible to find lucrative work at home that does not involve any type of scam operation.
Many women have become great entrepreneurs over the last 20 years or so. With the traditional role of the woman being at home to raise the children this has been wonderful. No mother wants to miss their children’s “firsts”. If life has handed you the role of single motherhood it is extremely difficult to be the breadwinner and the mother who is there for all of the little important things that come up in a child’s life. In addition, childcare costs are astronomical. By the time that you deduct these costs from your paycheck every week single moms are making little next to nothing by working outside of the home.
Some people are fortunate enough to have someone they know watch the kids for nothing or little next to nothing. For those of those who do not it is almost impossible to make enough money to live on. By working at home everyone benefits. Some work at home jobs even provide the much needed benefits that you are in need of. It is most definitely still a juggling act, but doable.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.