Working at home is increasing in popularity, especially amongst moms with children who are trying to raise their family and bring in a much needed income. Single moms are even finding that this is a possibility. While raising your children, earning an income, and tending to the other numerous responsibilities and chores that makes up the life of “Mom” is a juggling act it is being done in many households. When this is what makes up your life you find that prioritizing is essential in making it all come together.
Work at home jobs come in all skill levels. Below are just some of the work at home jobs that can make your dreams of staying at home and earning an income work for you.
Hobbies/Crafts: Are you a crafty person? Do you have a hobby that you do well? Turn your hobby into a moneymaker by selling your creations.
Transcription: Medical, legal and other types of transcription have become big business for at home workers. Many of the larger, more well known companies will take you on as an employee and even offer benefits.
Sales: There are numerous sales opportunities out there that are up for grabs. Some of these companies include Avon, Mary Kay, Usborne, as well as other types of companies, which run the gamut from lingerie to candles to jewelry.
Writing: Do you love to put pen to paper or in these days fingers to keyboards? Do you love to express yourself through the written word? If so, then you might want to try your hand at some freelance writing.
These are just some of the opportunities out there for moms desiring to have the best of both worlds, kids and an income. For more information on this topic and a great website to explore further trot on over to and see for yourself.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.