Pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a menstrual disorder that occurs prior to the onset of the monthly cycle. There are many theories about the cause of the disorder, such as a change in estrogen level, nutrition and psychological factors. There is some evidence of a genetic link that predisposes some women to experience more discomfort.
While there is no consensus about the origin, there are some things known to help relieve the symptoms. A regular yoga practice helps with physical and emotional symptoms of PMS. The psychological symptoms include anxiety, irritability, depression, mood changes and forgetfulness.
The practice of yoga has been shown to help stabilize the mood and has a calming effect that offers a drug free solution to the emotional discomforts of this time of the month. Pranayama breathing, relaxation and the release of tension in yoga help to relieve anxiety and improve and stabilize mood.
The meditative poses, child’s pose and corpse pose are helpful for relaxing and restoring the mind, body and spirit. Asanas that may help the physical symptoms include forward bends, upward dog, bridge pose and wide angle seated pose.
The physical symptoms of PMS include breast tenderness, bloating, back pain, decrease in energy and headaches. A regular yoga practice increases circulation and brings oxygen to the body, which helps to relieve and prevent many of the physical symptoms. In addition, the stretching and toning of the muscles helps to relieve back pain and other physical symptoms.
A gentle hatha yoga or restorative yoga class may be beneficial at this time of the month. Make time for your practice every day in the days leading up to the PMS time of the month and at the first sign of discomfort. Regular practice is the best way to experience relief and bring the body into balance.