Dhanurasana: bow pose
Dhyana: meditation, quieting the mind
Eight Limbs of Yoga: found in the ancient text The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The eight limbs are: yama or moral discipline, niyama or self restraint, asana, pranayama, pratyahra sensory control, dharana or concentration, mediation and Samadhi or ecstasy leading to kaivalya or enlightenment.
Garurasana: eagle pose
Guru: a spiritual teacher
Hatha yoga: yoga practice focus on the connection of mind, body and spirit through the practice of concentration, physical postures and breath control (asana and pranayama)
Iyengar yoga: Most widely practiced form of hatha yoga. This form of yoga is named for its founder BKS Iyengar and uses props to help achieve alignment in the poses.
Jnana: sacred knowledge
Jnana yoga: yoga of knowledge
Karma: Literally translated, karma means “action”. Karma can exist from birth, created by actions or unconsciously created.
Karma yoga: a type of yoga that has a focus on action
Kirtan: sung mantras
Kundalini yoga: type of yoga practice focus on meditation and releasing energy located at the base of the spine (kundalini)
Makarasana: crocodile pose
Mantra: chanted words or sounds to free the mind and increase awareness in mediation
Mayurasana: peacock pose
Meditation: turning the focus or attention inward to attain a state of inner peace or enlightenment.
Mudra: a hand position, often used in meditation and sometimes in yoga
Namaste: Most yoga classes are ended with this, which means “the light within me salutes the light within you”
Niyamas: From the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. There are five niyamas: purity, contentment, self-discipline, study of sacred texts and awareness of God.
Om: known as the universal mantra or chant that is said to be the sound of the universe
Padmasana: lotus pose
Parighasana: side stretch pose
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana: revolved half moon pose
Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana: compass pose
Parsvottonasana: pyramid pose
Paschimottanasana: seated forward bend