Patanjali: author of the Yoga Sutras, which describe the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Prana: life force or life energy; also called Chi.
Pranayama: controlled breathing to control prana and regulate the flow of energy through the body
Raja yoga: type of yoga that focuses on the path of meditation
Sanskrit: ancient language from India used in yoga, Buddhism and Hinduism
Santosha: one of the niyamas, meaning contentment
Sarvangasana: shoulderstand
Satya: one of the yamas, meaning truthfulness
Savasana: corpse pose
Shashankasana: moon pose
Shishya: student
Sivananda yoga: a type of yoga that integrates asana with breath and meditation
Strap: prop used in yoga
Supta Virasana: supine hero pose
Surya Namakara: Sun salutations, a flowing series of yoga poses
Svadhyaya: one of the niyamas, meaning self-study
Swami: title given to a spiritual master
Tadasana: mountain pose
Tapas: one of the niyamas, meaning self-discipline
Tiryaka bhujangasana: twisting cobra pose
Tolasana: scale pose
Tri Yoga: A form of hatha yoga that emphasized asana, breath and focus
Tuladandasana: balancing stick pose
Ujjayi: pranayama breathing that produces sound on the inhalation
Upavistha konasana: wide legged seated forward bend pose
Urdhva Dhanurasana: wheel pose
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: upward facing dog pose
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana: standing split
Ustrasana: camel pose
Utkatasana: chair pose
Utthan Pristhasana: lizard pose
Uttanasana: standing forward bend
Uttankoormasana: tortoise pose
Utthita Parsvakonasana: extended side angle pose
Utthita Trikonasana: triangle pose
Veerasana: hero’s pose
Vinyasa: yoga poses in a flowing sequence with movement working together with breath
Yamas: From the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the code of moral conduct
Yoga: union of the body, mind and spirit through poses and mediation
Yoga Nidra: deep relaxation also known as yoga sleep
Yoga Sutras: text written by ancient Indian scholar Patanjali. The Sutras contain the Eight Limbs of Yoga.
Yogi: person practicing yoga