When you first take a yoga class, you may feel uncomfortable and unsure of the basic things to do and not to do in a typical yoga class. There are some things that are considered proper etiquette in most yoga classes. There are no standard rules and each studio handles things differently and some have rules posted in the studio or on their website. Most of these tips are basic consideration for others in the room.
Be on time for class. Nothing is as disruptive to the flow of a yoga class than people opening the door and jostling for a position on the floor to set up their mats and join in. try to get there a few minutes early and if you are running late, take a later class or practice at home to get the full benefit, while respecting others.
In an effort not to disturb others, turn off your cell phone or just leave it in the car. The shrill ring of a phone or loud ringtone of the latest popular song is the last thing you want to hear in a class, especially if it is your phone ringing. Avoid the embarrassment and switch it off.
It should go without saying, but don’t interrupt the teacher. I was actually in a yoga class once with someone who felt the need to question the sequencing of poses in the middle of class and constantly show her vast yoga knowledge by interjecting comments during the class. We’d all rather listen to the cell phone! Let the teacher teach, even if you think you have better ideas.
As you probably already know, or can guess, maintaining the quiet, relaxed atmosphere of the room is important. This is not the time to introduce yourself to the people around you or make small talk. Save it for after class.
Other than noise, the most common complaints tend to be in the area of hygiene. Make sure you are clean; take a shower before class to avoid smelly feet or sweaty body odor. But don’t cover up with copious amounts of perfume, or this will bother people with allergies or sensitivities to fragrance.
Some studios have rules about leaving the room, depending on the studio and type of yoga. If you need to leave class, do it quietly and close the door behind you. In an attempt to sneak out without disturbing anyone, you can accidentally leave the door open and let out the warm air. If you are taking hot yoga, the chill won’t be appreciated.
In any yoga situation, take the time to be aware of others around you. Building awareness is a spiritual benefit of yoga and you can put this into practice by becoming more aware of the people around you. If you do that, you won’t offend anyone.