Extended hand to big toe pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana in Sanskrit) is a standing balance pose. This is an intermediate level pose that requires balance and flexibility in the hamstrings to enable you to balance on one leg, while lifting the other.
This asana stretches and strengthens the legs, ankles, and upper back. In addition, extended hand to big toe pose helps to improve strength, balance and overall flexibility. The pose is believed to offer benefits to people with osteoporosis, but caution should be used if you have low back injury, back pain, ankle problems or difficulty balancing on one leg.
To move into extended hand to big toe pose, begin by standing on your mat in mountain pose. Before raising your leg, get grounded in your feet for better balance in the pose. Begin to shift your weight onto your right leg and lift your left knee toward your tummy.
Take your left arm down the outside of the left leg and take hold of toe or the outside of the left foot, depending on your level of flexibility. Firm the muscles of the right thigh to improve strength and balance in the pose. On an inhalation breath, begin to straighten the knee and bring the left leg out to the side, while continuing to hold the foot.
Focus and breathe to maintain balance. Many people find that using a focal point that is in front of you and about at eye level helps with balance in this pose. After about thirty seconds, you can bend the knee and return to mountain pose. Take a few breaths and repeat the pose on the other side of the body. Balance on the left leg and lift the right.
There are some modifications that can be used, if you are unable to balance while holding the opposite leg in the air. If your hamstrings are tight, you can use a strap to move into this asana. Place the strap around the sole of the foot and hold the strap. If this is too much, you can support the raised leg on the back of a chair or other piece of furniture or use the wall to provide support for the opposite foot.