Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasana in Sanskrit) is a supine pose that offers several benefits, including opening the hips. This pose is suitable for students at all levels of yoga practice, from beginners to advanced practitioners.
Happy baby pose offers several benefits. This pose stretches the hamstrings and is good for enhancing flexibility in the hamstrings and opening the hips. Happy baby pose also stretches the back, spine, thighs and groin, as well as opening the hips. This asana has a calming effect that is helpful for stress relief and is helpful for people experiencing fatigue.
To move into happy baby pose, begin by lying flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend both knees and bring them up toward the chest. Move the knees out toward the armpits on both sides of the body. Gradually bring your thighs toward the floor as you relax into this pose.
Move with your breath and relax into the pose gradually. The lower legs should be raised so that the ankles are above the knees. The shins should be perpendicular to the floor in the full pose. The feet should be flexed.
Hold the feet with your hands at the outside of the feet. Gradually move the knees toward the floor, while keeping the feet facing up toward the sky. Keep the head straight, the neck relaxed and gaze up at the ceiling.
There are a few ways to modify this pose. If you don’t have the flexibility to hold onto the feet, you can use two yoga straps and place them over the soles of the feet. Hold on to the straps while keeping the feet flexed. As you increase flexibility, you can remove the straps and hold the feet with your hands.
Hold this pose for about a minute. When you are ready to move out of the pose, release the feet and gradually return to the start position of lying on your back before moving into the next pose.