Legs up the wall pose (Viparita Karani in Sanskrit) is a gentle inversion with restorative benefits. This pose offers several benefits, including relaxing the mind and body, stretching the muscles of the legs, back and neck, relieving foot discomfort and relieving anxiety. You will need a couple blankets or towels for support in this pose.
To move into legs up the wall pose, you should position your yoga mat near a wall. Bend the knees and bring the legs up to the wall with the heels resting on the wall and the hips against the wall below the legs.
Extend the legs up the wall and straighten them without locking the knees. Rest the heels against the wall for support and keep the legs extended fully. If you notice that you are arching the lower back or you can’t bring the legs straight, this usually means you are too close to the wall. Scootch away from it a little bit until you are able to move into the full pose.
Move the torso flat on the mat and place the arms at your sides with the palms facing the sky. Relax into the pose and let the belly sink into the body. Close your eyes and relax into the pose.
This pose can be modified, if needed. Often, people experiencing lower back pain may find the pose is uncomfortable. Shifting a little bit away from the wall usually corrects the problem. Pay attention to the body and note any areas of discomfort.
Further modification of the pose can be done by placing a blanket or towel anywhere you feel discomfort. For example, if you are feeling strain in the neck, place a blanket under the head and neck for support in the pose. The same can be done for the lower back.
Rest in the pose and stay in legs up the wall pose for at least five minutes to gain the full restorative benefits. Gently move out of the pose by bending the knees and lowering the feet down from the wall. Roll to the right side and take a few breaths before moving to an upright position.