Reclining Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana in Sanskrit) is used in many types of yoga classes, including hatha yoga, classes for toning and weight loss and restorative yoga practices.
This one, relatively simple, pose offers a broad range of benefits for the body. Reclining twist squeezes and stretches all the muscles and organs of the torso and tones the core. In addition, this pose is great for aiding digestion and detoxifying the entire body. This asana wrings the toxins out of the organs of the body and helps remove toxins.
Begin by lying on your back on the yoga mat. Bend the knees and press the feet into the floor. Stretch the arms out to the sides, with the palms facing up. Breathe for a moment and lengthen the back body and relax the lower back before beginning to move into the twist.
Cross the right foot over the left knee and roll to the left. The right leg is crossed over the body and the left leg is extended. Another way to do this pose is to keep the knees bent together and roll to the left with both the knees bent. This is a good option for beginners.
The right knee should come to the floor in the full pose. If you have tight hips or can’t reach the ground with the knee, a blanket, pillow or bolster can be placed under the knee for support, allowing you to fully relax in the pose.
Keep the sides of the waist elongated in the pose and deepen the twist with each breath you take. The shoulder blades should be relaxed and the back strong and extended fully. Although the arms are reached out to the sides, the arms and shoulders should be relaxed and resting on the mat.
Gently turn the head and gaze to the left. Hold the pose for thirty seconds to a minute and return back to center. Take a breath and repeat the movements on the left side. At the end, you will feel refreshed, rejuvenated and invigorated.