Revolved half moon pose (Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana in Sanskrit) is a multifaceted pose that requires strength and balance in a standing twist. This pose is a one arm balance pose and a twist pose.
Revolved half moon pose offers several benefits. As a balance pose, it helps develop balance and strength in the core of the body. As a twist pose, revolved half moon pose is great for digestion and relieving stress. This pose also strengthens many muscles in the body, including
Although it does take some coordination, this pose is not difficult. Moving slowly through the steps and ensuring you have your weight shifted correctly and you are balanced will help you achieve this pose.
To move into this pose, you will first move into triangle pose. From triangle pose, relax the right knee, bend the knee and move the right hand to mat just below the shoulder. The left hand should be placed on the mat in front of the right foot. If needed, you can hold a block under the left hand.
Press into the floor and push up to straighten the legs. Lengthen the spine and turn the thigh inward, straightening the right leg. Twist the torso to the right and shift the weight on to the right leg.
Make sure the right foot is parallel to the mat and the weight evenly distributed on this foot for optimum balance in the pose. Take a moment to shift the weight and get your balance and then lift the left leg until it is parallel to the floor. Twist to the right and bring the right arm up toward the ceiling.
You will stay in this pose for about thirty seconds and then move back into triangle pose, switch sides. In most classes, you will move into triangle pose on the following side and then into revolved half moon pose on the left. This balance of both sides of the body is common to all types of yoga classes.