Scorpion pose (Vrischikasana in Sanskrit) is an advanced arm balance pose. Scorpion pose gets its name from the resemblance of the body to a scorpion with its tail extended into the air above its body.
Scorpion pose offers a variety of benefits throughout the entire body. The benefits of scorpion pose include improving balance, circulation and concentration and strengthening the muscles of the spine, neck, back, chest and arms.
To move into scorpion pose, begin on your mat and move into child’s pose. Lift up onto your forearms and elbows on your mat and keep your forehead flat on the mat. From this position, begin to arch your head up and back and lift the buttocks toward the ceiling.
Raise your head so you are looking forward and lift up onto your toes and swing your legs up over your body. Your legs should be in line with your head. When you are balanced in this pose, begin to bring your feet forward and closer to your head. In the full advanced asana, the feet can be lightly touching the top of the head, like the tail of the scorpion.
Keep in mind that this is an advanced pose and should not be attempted by beginners. There are some precautions and contraindications to remember before attempting scorpion pose. This pose is not advised for people with problems related to the neck or shoulders, so if you have problems in this area, you may want to skip this one.
Since this is an advanced pose, if you are fairly new to the practice of yoga or are unsure of your ability to balance safely in the pose, you should have a yoga teacher guide you into and out of the pose for the first few times or until you are steady enough to accomplish it on your own. A certified yoga instructor can guide you and make corrections to your alignment, as needed to help you master this very difficult asana.