Staff pose (Dandasana in Sanskrit) is a seated pose that is performed in yoga practices of all levels from beginner to advanced classes. This pose appears simple on the surface, but there is a bit more too it, when you are aiming for the right alignment.
Staff pose offers benefits such as improving posture and strengthening the muscles of the legs, back and shoulders. This asana also helps to stretch and improve flexibility in the hamstrings.
To move into staff pose, begin by sitting on your mat and extending your legs straight out in front of your body. Most people find when they first try this pose that sitting up perfectly straight is not as easy as it looks. It is common for the body to lean slightly back, rather than being perfectly straight.
There are a few tricks to getting the right alignment of the pelvis and spine. One way is to use a cushion, towel or blanket under your buttocks to bring the body into correct alignment. This will also help to take the pressure off the lower back and pelvis, if you find this pose uncomfortable.
Another way to get the alignment right is to make sure you are sitting up on your sit bones. It is common to be sitting slightly off center, which makes the tendency to lean back more difficult. My first yoga instructor taught us to sit with our feet out in front of us and lift each buttock, one at a time, to get seated up on the sit bones.
Yet another way to work on alignment and posture in this asana is to start out by sitting up against a wall. However you get the alignment right, press the thighs against the mat and turn slightly inward. The feet should be flexed with the heels pressing into to mat.
As with many poses, this one moves with the breath. Lengthen your spine and torso as you breathe into the pose. Hold it for thirty seconds to a minute before moving into the next pose in your practice, often seated forward bend.