Triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana in Sanskrit) is a standing pose used in many types of yoga practice. Chances are, if you are taking a yoga class, it won’t be long before you come across this pose in class.
Triangle pose stretches many areas of the body, including the thighs, hips, calves, hamstrings, chest and spine. The use of so many muscles and joints makes this pose a good one for overall toning. Triangle pose is often included in yoga for stress relief DVDs and is also helpful at reducing anxiety and PMS symptoms.
To begin triangle pose, start standing in mountain pose. Move the feet about three or four feet apart on the mat and raise your arms to the side. The feet are in the same position as in the warrior poses, with the front foot straight and the back foot turned in slightly.
The palms are facing down and the arms parallel to the floor. Inhale here and on the exhalation of the breath move the torso out over the straight leg, reach and bend to the side into the pose.
Where the hands will rest depends on your level of practice. The hand should be on the floor on the outside of the front foot, if you are able to reach that far. If not, reach where ever you can, anywhere along the leg from shin to ankle. The opposite hand should be extended above the body toward the sky with the head turned to look at the raised hand. On the inhalation, come out of the pose, switch the position of the feet and repeat the pose on the other side of the body.
Like all poses in yoga, don’t overdo it and try to force your body into the position if you don’t have the flexibility. This can cause injury. Always remember that yoga is a process and each practitioner works at her own pace.