Upward plank pose (Purvottanasana in Sanskrit) is an arm balance pose that can be done by people of all levels of experience. you need some strength in the arms and wrists to support yourself in this pose, but everyone from beginners to advanced yoga practitioners can usually do upward plank pose.
Upward plank pose offers several physical benefits. This pose strengthens the wrists, arms and legs. The pose stretches the muscles of the shoulders, chest, and legs. In addition to the physical benefits, this pose helps with fatigue and increases energy.
To move into upward plank pose, begin by moving into staff pose by sitting at the center of your mat and stretch your legs out in front of you with the feet pointing up toward the sky. Take your arms and place them on your mat a little less than a foot behind your hips with your palms down and the fingers pointed toward your body.
Bend your knees slightly and press your feet into the mat. Press the hands firmly into the mat and begin to lift your hips and buttocks off the mat, as if moving into table pose. Straighten the legs and lift the pelvis and chest. The feet should be on the mat with the toes pointed and supporting the body with the hands.
Breathe in the pose for 30 seconds to a minute and lower back down to the mat. You may do this pose a few times or move on to another asana, depending on the yoga class.
This pose can be done by most people, but there are modifications that can help. However, if you have a wrist injury or condition that affects the wrists or neck, you should skip this asana. If you are having discomfort in the neck, you can try performing this pose close to a chair or the wall and using that to support the head in the pose.