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You: An Owners Manual

This is the next book in my series of Dr. Oz books, and this one will really explain how your body works. All those intricate little systems that operate without us being aware of them. Most of us think we know a fair amount about how our bodies work but when you get down to it, we are clueless.

First this book will have you take a quiz to see how body smart you are, you may be surprised by some of the answers, I know I was.

Here are just a few of the things you will discover:

*Is coffee good for your brain?
*How much calcium do you need?
*What foods are bad for your bones?
*What is an allergy?
*How much gas do we produce every day?
*Does fiber prevent colon cancer?
*Why do we have eyelashes?
*Which is better for your eyesight spinach or carrots?
*Should you starve a cold and feed a fever?

You will now be an expert when you kids ask all those why questions about their bodies.

After the quiz you will learn everything about how your body works in language that is easy to understand. You will also discover how some of the things you do hurt your body. This is all presented in a conversational tone and is not preachy or judgmental in any way.

Included are tips and advice for exercise, nutrition and simple lifestyle changes all geared to help you live longer and stronger. You will find out how your body reacts to exercise and not exercising, good food and not so good food.

There is also a diet plan with 30 recipes that are all designed to give your body what it needs while being delicious and filling.

The doctors have done it again, everything you ever wanted to know about your body but didn’t know how to ask.