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You Are What You Think!

“If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it!”

Believe it or not, your mind is listening to everything you say and think about yourself. If you spend your time filling your mind with negative self-talk like “I’m so fat”, “I really need to lose weight”, “I look so fat in this outfit” then your mind will make it so. Even if you don’t look fat or need to lose weight, your mind is the control center for your body and will make sure that you eventually do.

Tell yourself (or others) that you’re fat and even if you aren’t yet, you soon will be!

Now you’re probably wondering “If I can become fat just by saying that I am fat, why can’t it work the other way? Why can’t I say I’m slim and have it be so?”

The good news is that it is just that easy!

If you were to believe you were slim and healthy with as much conviction as you already believe you are fat and out of shape, it would be so.

Sound too good to be true?
Only if you think it is!

This isn’t a great secret and it certainly isn’t new. People like Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Anthony Robbins have been preaching the power of programming our own minds with positive self-talk and positive images for ages. If you haven’t heard of these guys, then I strongly suggest that you check them out at your local library. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the difference that one book or audio course by one of these authors can make in your life.

The fact is, if you nourish your mind with positive, uplifting images, you can make remarkable improvements in your life. Eliminate the self-defeating, self-limiting trash talk about yourself and start pumping yourself up instead.

Anything is possible. You are only limited by your beliefs.
Believe you can succeed and you will.

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