When you are feeling especially trapped by an uncomfortable situation with a challenging client or customer I think it is important to remember that we can always say “no.” It can be easy to forget that we really do always have the power to cancel a sale or contract, give back the money and walk away. Sure, it might hurt our bottom line, but in the long term, it might be the best possible move.
I know that you have seen the following sign posted on the wall or door of many of your favorite businesses: “We reserve the right to reserve service to anyone.” Now, most of us want to gather as much business as we can and we work hard to not only attract clients and customers, but to keep them. There are times, however, when things feel so uncomfortable or the relationship gets to such a negative place that there really is not anything else we can do but let go. We just have to remind ourselves that we not only have the right to let go, but we also have an obligation to listen to our guts and do what is best for us overall.
If a client or customer is asking you to do something that goes against your values, or the individual has been so difficult and challenging that you are getting ulcers every time you get an e-mail from them, it is probably time to think about just saying “no.” Give the money back, cancel the contract, fire the client. You will probably find that once you make the decision, you feel better and it frees you up to go out there and find new and better clients and customers to replace what you have lost. A little short-term discomfort is nothing compared to either long-term suffering or giving your business a boost with the change.