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YOU: Having A Baby! New App Available

Smart phones (especially iPhones) have the ability to do so much these days. Apps are responsible for much of what we accomplish on our devices, turning a simple phone into a super computer and information powerhouse. Apps are available for just about every circumstance in life, including pregnancy. Last week Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, (you may recognize Dr. Oz from his show “The Dr. Oz Show” or from his frequent appearances on Oprah) announced the launch of their YOU: Having A Baby! App on the App Store. Based off of the book of the same name, the app provides pregnant women with pregnancy advice and information right on their iPhone or iPod touch. Consider this one more reason I am so sad not to have an iPhone.

In addition to tons of information offered in a Q & A format, the app also offers personalized daily nutritional reminders, pictures of the different fetal development phases, and the ability to add important information like doctors’ appointments and important telephone numbers. It’s like a pregnancy manual and organizer all in one.

As quoted from the press release, “Pregnancy is a time of great excitement, but it’s also a teachable moment for women to focus on their overall health. This new app for iPhone and iPod touch will help, providing them with a repository for everything from images of their child’s development to reminders about crucial steps for mothers to ensure the best health for their infants,” said Dr. Mehmet Oz. “We’re excited to be able to offer this convenient and insightful Q&A tool to expectant mothers (and probably some nervous fathers, too.).”

The YOU: Having A Baby! App is available for just $1.99 from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore/. That’s a pretty good deal for such a comprehensive tool.

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.