You have chosen to school your children at home, and by so doing, you are the adult they see all day, every day, be it during school time, family time, grocery shopping time … you are their main example when it comes to how to be an adult. This is flattering, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. I’m sure you’re well aware of the dangers of setting a bad example, but I wonder if you’re equally aware of the power of setting a positive example for your child.
Because they are home with you all day, they will see how you react to the daily pressures of life, and they will learn from you how to be patient and to persevere. They will see how you handle a schedule and find balance in your tasks. They will notice if you take time out to exercise or to seek spiritual edification. As they see you do these things, they will be empowered to make the same types of choices in their own lives, and as they enter adulthood, they will be able to incorporate good life habits of their own.
My children have inherited many of the artistic qualities my husband and I have. They all love to draw pictures, like their daddy, and they love to write stories, like me. As they see me succeed, in whatever modest fashion it might occur, it helps them understand that hard work and dedication does pay off, and that we can use our talents throughout our lives.
Every parent, everywhere, regardless of their schooling choices, influences their children by the way they live their lives. Homeschooled children get a bit more of an up-close look at the day-to-day lives of their parents, but every parent’s positive, loving example makes all the difference to their children, and how blessed the world is when parents are dedicated to instilling that love in their homes.
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