If you have recently graduated from high school you may want to attend the CES fireside broadcast on September 10, 2006. The broadcasts will begin at 6:00 pm MDT. These broadcasts are designed for young adults age eighteen through thirty. You are welcome to attend if you are married or single. The firesides address the spiritual needs of those in the early stages of adulthood.
These firesides are offered several times during the year and can usually be seen at your local building or stake center. If you are attending a church school then they will be available in a large meeting place such as The Marriot Center at BYU. You can also watch them at many institute buildings on campuses. You can talk to your local leaders to learn the specific places for the firesides.
If you live outside of the United States the fireside will be rebroadcast at different times so that you can view it as well. You can also view it in several languages, which are available through the satellite system. You can learn more about how to do that here.
These firesides are very uplifting. They are written specifically for this age group and so they address topics, which are relevant to this stage of life. I truly enjoyed each fireside that I attended while I was in school, and recommend that you make the time to attend the firesides as well. It is also a great opportunity to gather with other young LDS adults and spend time together, supporting each other.
If you know someone who has recently graduated from high school or joined the church invite her to attend the fireside with you. This will be a great opportunity to make her feel welcome in the programs she is just beginning to attend. The meetings are always positive and uplifting experiences