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Young Men: “A Matter of a Few Degrees”

In his talk “A Matter of a Few Degrees” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks f the importance of living after the manner of happiness. He begins his talk by sharing the experience of being called to serve in the First Presidency. He then goes on to begin his talk by sharing a story of a flight where someone changed the flight coordinates by two degrees. The flight plan took them 28 miles off course, and they ended up flying into the side of a volcano. He goes on to explain “that the difference between happiness and misery in individuals, in marriages, and families often comes down to an error of only a few degrees.”

President Uchtdorf share the story of King Saul. He was chosen by the Lord, and was able to lead the Israelites to victory. He was a good king, but he faced pressures when it came time to fight the Philistine. Instead of waiting for the prophet to come and offer the sacrifice, he gave into peer pressure and decided to go ahead and do it himself. He demonstrated that he didn’t have the self-discipline he needed to follow God’s plan.

President Uchtdorf then talks about the small mistakes that may take us away from the gospel. He talks about the importance of making early corrections to get back on track. The sooner you make the correction, the less time it will take to fix the mistake. He goes on to warn against the things that may influence to drift away from the gospel. He specifically mentions the Internet and the dangerous things that are available on it. He also warns of the importance of keeping your thoughts clean.

President Uchtdorf then speaks to those who may have drifted far off course. He speaks of the need to come back. He testifies of the blessings that the Atonement has to offer to each of us. He points out the path may not be easy, but that the results are worth the effort.

This is a wonderful talk. It illustrates the need to stay on track in following the commandments and living the gospel fully. It also teaches the need to repent fully as soon as you have made a mistake. I hope that you will take the time to read this wonderful talk.

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