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Young Men: “Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart”

In his talk “Blessed Are All the Pure in Heart” Elder L. Whitney Clayton opens his talk by describing fishing traps that he saw being used in the Caribbean. The traps were made of wire and there was a slot that the fish could easily swim in. However the wire had sharp edges on the inside that made it impossible for the fish to swim out of without getting hurt.

Elder Clayton describes the trap that King David fell into when he looked upon Bathsheba. He relates that David fell prey to the advisory’s trap by looking, and dwelling on what he had seen. Then he acted upon the desire and he ended up killing Uriah to cover his sin. This is a sad story.

Elder Clayton relates the story of David to the pornography around us today. It may begin with viewing a movie or television show, and that may lead to curiosity or a deadening of the senses. Many people quickly fall prey to this addiction. It harms more than just the one addicted. It can affect families as well.

Elder Clayton warns that it is dangerous to use the world’s standards to measure our own behavior against. It is important to hold fast to the gospel and to keep our minds clean and pure. By following the commandments and guidance of our prophets we can do that.

Elder Clayton urges those already in the pornography trap to begin the process of repentance. It is only through the help of Christ’s atonement that you will fully be able to overcome the addiction and begin to purify your mind. With sincere effort and prayer you can receive the Lord’s help through this difficult process.

This is an excellent talk about the dangers of pornography. It is important to realize that pornography can affect more all people. Although this talk was directed to the men of the church, its counsel can help all members of the church. I hope that you will take the time to read and ponder this talk.

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