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Young Men: College and a Mission

It is important to prepare your son for both college and a mission. The job market has grown so competitive that it really is important to attain some form of higher education. Depending on the date of your son’s birthday, he may attend a semester or two of college before leaving on his mission. If he has an early birthday (before December) he may elect to work until it is time to leave. Your son will be able to determine what is right for him.

If your son does elect to attend college you may need to talk to him about the importance of focusing on his studies. This is a good time to work on general electives. It does not make sense to take classes that you need to build on with other classes. For example it may be difficult if he takes the first half of calculus before his mission and then he tries to take the second half after. He will have forgotten much of what he learned. Many freshman end up not doing very well, because they are not focused on schoolwork. They have to work that much harder to bring up their GPA when they return. You may want to encourage your son to sign up for a Missionary Preparation class through the local institute.

College can be a great place for your son to test out his survival skills when it comes to doing laundry, preparing meals and cleaning. It can also help him to become more independent, and help you become used to having him away from home. If your son does not attend college before his mission, you may want to assign a few more daily chores to him, so that he can work out the kinks before he goes.

Of course you also need to make sure that your son is prepared spiritually as well. Encourage your son to study the scriptures and to pray on a daily basis. You may want to have him teach a few family home evening lessons, so that he becomes more comfortable doing this. You can encourage him to go on splits with the missionaries as well.

Related Articles:

Young Men: Preparing Your Son for His Mission

Young Men: Missionary Preparation

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