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Young Men: “Do You Know Who You Are?”

In his talk “Do You Know Who You Are?” Elder Dean R Burgess, first counselor in the Young Men General Presidency speaks specifically to the priesthood holders in the church. He opens his talk by sharing his excitement of when her first became a deacon. He then speaks of the close friendships that were formed within his quorum. Finally he shares an experience in which a leader asks him if he knows who he is.

Elder Burgess then shares the story of Ammon who was able to serve the people of King Lamoni because he knew who he was spiritually. He points out that this knowledge will give you the strength to do what is right, and stand up for your beliefs. Elder Burgess then asks the young men to consider three questions.

He first asks the young men if they know they are sons of God. Elder Burgess speaks of the love that our Heavenly Father has for each of us. He also speaks of the strength that can come with the knowledge of this love can give each of us.

Elder Burgess them asks if the know who they are in God’s plan. Elder Burgess points out that understanding the Plan of Salvation helps us to understand our purpose in life. He emphasizes the importance of living the standards of the church, and keeping the commandments.

Elder Burgess’s final question asks if the boys know who they are as members of the church. He then speaks about the blessings that members of the church have received. He also speaks about the duties that come along with church membership, and the responsibilities of holding the priesthood.

This is an excellent talk, and though it is for the young men of the church, it can easily be applied to all of us. It is important that we fully understand who we are and our purpose in life. It can bring a greater sense of purpose, and a sense of peace to our lives. I hope that you will take the time to read and ponder this talk.

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