In his talk “Examples of Righteousness” President Thomas S Monson is speaking to the priesthood holders of the church. He opens his talk by speaking of the troubled times in which we live. He says that those who have the priesthood can make a difference, It is important to remain worthy so that the Lord can helps.
President Monson says that it is important to be examples to those around us. He points out that we need to stay focused and not to give in to temptation. He challenges the brethren to remain clean. He also invites them to repent if they have strayed from the path.
President Monson then speaks of the importance of fathers being good examples to their children over the years. He shared the story of a young man who copied all of his actions while President Monson was sitting on the stand waiting to give a talk. He points out that our children look at us in the same way, and often follow the examples of their parents. It is important that we live so that we are good examples.
President Monson goes on to share the story of a young man who had cancer. He was not yet a member of the church, but as a result of the experience he sought out the gospel. Once he joined the church, he prepared for and went on a mission. While he was on the mission, the cancer came back. He decided to still continue to serve. His father was so touched that he decided to join the church as well. Before this Elder went home from his mission, his family came out and they were able to be sealed together in the temple.
President Monson closes his talk by challenging the men to choose to honor the priesthood. He challenges them to live good lives and to make difference, since they have the priesthood. He challenges them to serve as well.
This is a wonderful talk. I am comforted by the words that he shared. His counsel applies to all of us as member s of the church. We can all strive to live our lives so that those around us can see the blessings that come from living the gospel.
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