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Young Men: Moving Out

The end of summer is drawing closer, and it is time to send your little (or not so little ones) off to school. This can be a big step, especially if you are sending one off to college for the first time. This is a time when your child decides for the first time what to do with his life. He has many choices in his life right now. As you send him off to school, be sure that he has these five things.

1) Pack his scriptures for him. If you are not sure that he would pack them, do it for him. He may not read them, but if he does not have them, he will not read them. There are many moments of soul searching when you first move out, and the scriptures are a great resource to have on hand.

2) Another great thing to include is a small recipe book of his favorite food that you make for him. Try to include easy recipes. If he is moving into a dorm, a good supply of snacks can take the place of this book. You may also want to send him care packages to keep him well supplied during the school year.

3) You should make sure that his records follow him. This is important, because it will help him to have home teachers assigned to him. The bishop will try to meet him. In addition, it would great to help him find the local ward, and institute building. You may drive him by the church as you drop him off at school.

4) Another great thing to send with him is an encouraging note or card. This should express your love for him, as well as your belief that he can accomplish his goals. These words can help him through difficult times. He may never say anything, but the words can mean a lot when you feel all alone.

5) Finally you should send him out, with the expectation that he will live up to his beliefs. This is something that you should have been working on his entire life. The testimony that he has will help him through difficult times. His convictions can guide the direction he chooses to go. The best way to do this is to live your life correctly, and chances are that he will follow.

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Young Men: College and a Mission

Young Men: Missionary Preparation

Young Men: Preparing Your Son for a Mission